ABCSearch and Adentify

The intention of creating ABCSearch was to offer advertisers a more cost-effective way to drive targeted customers, in other words- more traffic, to their enlisted websites.

ABCSearch allows advertisers to:

  1. choose appropriate keywords
  2. select the actual amount they wish to pay when consumers click on their listings

Site listing rank on ABCSearch is determined by the highest bid. Hence, advertisers control their placement relative to their capacity/ability.

A partner program on ABCSearch for website owners makes them eligible for a steady income stream and increased revenue potential. By displaying ABCSearch's sponsored listings on their websites, they pay their partners a portion of the generated revenues. Today, ABCSearch connects thousands of advertisers with millions of consumers.


Adentify - connects advertisers with ABCSearch's network of content publishers. Advertisers can now target consumers by displaying their Ads across ABCSearch's network of content publishers.

Content publishers also earn revenue by displaying ABCSearch's text-ads on their websites. Every time ABCSearch's text ads are displayed, their system automatically generates ads relevant to the site's content that is being viewed.

Adentify has been developed through Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. It automatically recognizes the content of a web page in real-time and then helps generate relevant ads.